We spent Saturday morning watching William (well, Dave and Bree watched him while I went for a hair appointment) and then chatted with Josh and Jess when they got back from AAA about our cruise options. Looks like we'll be heading to Alaska next July!
After they left we spent the afternoon getting ready for an evening with the Bohrers and Wirths. We got out the fall decorations and did a quick cleanup. Bree made pigs-in-a-blanket and I cut up pepperoni and cheese. We put the wine in the fridge to chill and then tried to relax for a few minutes before everyone arrived.
What a fun evening. After a couple hours of hanging in the kitchen and catching up we headed to the living room and had a Wii Bowling tournament. That Marilyn! She won it all but Jill gave her a run for it. All those years of being on bowling leagues were finally paying off. We really had a lot of fun.
Sunday was basically getting ready for the week (after sleeping in a bit!) Later in the afternoon we headed up to Josh's to watch the football game. Will was lots of fun -- I got a couple pictures of him practicing his smile ...
And then this one was just silly enough that I had to include it ...
Back to the grind tomorrow!!