Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Three Minutes Til Breakfast

Well, I have 3 minutes until my designated 6 a.m. breakfast time and I have made a decision. I am going to steal my camera back from Bree so I can start taking pictures again and add them to the blog.

I really like to blog about the stuff I'm doing but I like to complement the entry with pictures. Kind of tough to do when everytime I reach for the camera it's back up in Bree's "office".

So -- I have no choice but to take it back.

Rascal is anxious to go out and see who (or what) has been visiting the neighborhood while we've been sleeping. And it's now 6 a.m. and time for my fiber whatchamacallit that I eat for breakfast everyday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once again, I'm happy to see you've started blogging again, Barb!