Sunday, December 07, 2008

Book Club Brunch -- Secret Life Of Bees

I was so excited to join the book club that Linda Murray started over a year ago. I've always wanted to have an opportunity to read a book that other people were reading and then get together to chat about it. However, after only a couple of get togethers, I started working evenings at RIT and it seemed that I was only able to attend once in a blue moon.

The club has read all sorts of books and Linda really does a great job of making it fun. Like when the group read Paula Deen's book (one I recommended and then I couldn't even attend the get together!) everyone prepared a Paula Deen recipe and they took a picture of it all and sent it to Paula.

When the group read "The Secret Life of Bees" everyone brought a dish that had honey in it. I was really sad to miss that one.

Well, now I'm not working evenings anymore and I'm done with the phlebotomy class so it looks like I can finally start attending again and I'm so excited! It just so happens that Linda planned a get together for today (Sunday) to have brunch and then go see the movie "The Secret Life of Bees".

I've heard fantastic reviews of the movie that stars Queen Latifah (who I think is fantastic) and Dakota Fanning (incredible actress -- and so young!). It also stars Jennifer Hudson and Alicia Keys. I'm so excited to have a chance to see it.

For the brunch I decided to make a new recipe (and I'm hoping I won't regret it ... I've had occasions where I tried something new on company and it was a total flop.) I made up "Orange Stuffed French Toast" -- a recipe I found on a B&B site when I was searching for recipes to use for our monthly family brunches. This is one that I thought looked good so I decided to give it a try. If it turns out good and is well-received I'll plan on making it for the family one of these days.

Anyway -- I need to get a move on it. I have to take the dish out of the fridge and let it set for 30 minutes before I bake it. In the meantime, I have to get a shower and I just realized that Dave is painting our bathroom so shower curtain, etc. is down. I'll have to use the main bath.

I'll have to be sure to report on the movie -- and the stuffed french toast recipe later.

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