Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Daisy the Stinkpot

Daisy has really been giving us a run for our money lately. When I emailed Dave today and mentioned the new hole she'd chewed in the carpeting on the stairs his reply was, "Maybe it's time for a trip to Lollypop Farm?"

Of course, he was kidding. With all our dogs we've had a favorite drop-off place that we'd mention when they were naughty. Quincy was going to Kendall, Rascal was going back to Delaware, and now Daisy gets Lollypop Farm.

Let's see -- what has Daisy done in just the past few days? Well, let's go back to a recent visit with William. Ever since William has had a binky, Daisy has been doing her very best to get it. Last week, opportunity presented itself and Daisy jumped at the chance. Literally. She jumped onto the unattended coffee table while Will was getting a diaper change. We later found the binky -- but the nipple was chewed right off.

Then poor Rascal got sick (he snuck up into Bree's room and devoured a bag of Twix candy bars she was planning to use for Easter baskets) and while Daisy was outside, refusing to come back, she managed to roll in a spot where Rascal had given up the Twix so to speak. So that meant an emergency bath.

Daisy after digging in the dirt

Easter Sunday was another one of Daisy's not-so-great days. William had received a cute little duck that quacked from Joyce Schultz and Josh and Jessica brought it with them when they came for dinner. Daisy wanted that duck and tried her best to get it. So we put it back in the tote bag for safe-keeping.

It wasn't long before I looked over and found both Rascal and Daisy on the couch with Duckie in both their mouths and her poor bill chewed off. Needless to say finding a new Duckie for William was on Monday's "To Do" list.

And now today she chewed a hole in the carpet. We're starting to wonder when it will end. It's a good thing she's so darn cute!

Afterthought: Hmmmm ... as I was reading this over for typos it occurred to me that Rascal hasn't been much of an angel either. I have a feeling Daisy is starting to wear off on him!

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