Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Halloween 2011

Aren't these cheeks just irresistible?

This was an interesting Halloween. We had over a foot of snow on the ground but our power was restored and we were ready for trick-or-treaters. We even (still) had candy to hand out (we really shouldn't buy bags of candy that we actually LIKE!). We thought since we had kids living on either side of us now (who have friends up the road) we'd at least have a couple doorbell rings this year.

Alas. We did not.

It might have had something to do with the fact that our porch light wasn't on -- perhaps this was my passive-aggressive way of hoarding all those Milky Way and Twix bars to myself? Or it just might be that on a subconscious level I didn't want to deal with having Rascal and Daisy go nuts when the kids knocked on the door. (sigh) Either way -- we are stuck with lots of leftover candy.

Which I can't. stop. eating. (another sigh)

We are, however, very thankful that Bree went to Trunk or Treat in Rochester and snapped these pictures of our favorite sweets!

What I'd give to smooch those sweet little cheeks!

Someone just won some beads! Love our little Dash from The Incredibles!

Is there really any need for candy with this sweetness around? 

I think Dash has been hitting the chocolate! And working out a bit!
And clearly was a bit sick of having his picture taken :)

Jessica sent us these pictures of William as he got ready to hit the neighborhood for some fun and treats on Halloween night. I wonder how long it will be before William decides not to wear his costume everywhere they go.

Ready to hit the streets. Who is that masked boy anyway?

And away they go! Delilah and Mommy must have stayed home to pass out the candy :)

*** Update:  I meant to add this sweet picture that Jessica sent me of Will and Dee "hanging out on Saturday morning." They are just too cute! 

1 comment:

SarahB said...

What cuties!

We've been all out of candy for a few days now, and that's with my kids going trick-or-treating! I'm wishing I'd grabbed a bag of treats at the store on Nov 1st just to stash away for me! :)