Saturday, November 05, 2011

Swimming With The Whale Sharks!

Some time ago, Meghan mentioned that the Georgia Aquarium had a program where you could get in the big tank and "swim with the whale sharks" and that she'd love to do it someday.

So imagine my surprise when I logged onto Facebook and saw that Meghan had posted a video clip -- of her actually in the tank with them! At first I thought she had just come across a video of the whale sharks but when I started watching and realized she was standing on the tank's diving platform in a wet suit and her name flashed across the screen I almost fainted!

Seems her work group had a team building day at the aquarium and a conversation with a volunteer led her to see if there was an opening that day to take a swim. As it turned out, there was, and so she and a co-worker took the "plunge" and had a bucket list experience!

One thing Meghan mentioned is that you're not allowed to actually touch the animals, but if one happens to bump you, well, hey, nothing you can do about that! You'll notice in the clip that Meghan does get bumped and gives the videographer a thumbs up afterward.

I should also note that Meghan also confessed after her dive into the tank that she actually can't swim!

Just thought I should get this video clip on the family blog so everyone can see it! Sorry about the strange characters surrounding the video. Not sure why they're there and don't know how to get rid of them so ... oh well.

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