Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Magic of Motown ...

Dave and I started off the weekend by attending the first of the RPO's POP series concerts -- The Magic of Motown.

It was hurry up and get out the door since I had to work until 6. We had a fast dinner and then headed downtown so we could arrive early enough to walk around the new Kodak Hall at the Eastman Theater and see for ourselves what has been going on behind closed doors since last spring.

We were not disappointed! The new Kodak Hall is fabulous -- it is so much more intimate than before. The boxes on the sides of the hall certainly add to the "concert hall" atmosphere and provide a sense of class that was missing. The new seats are wonderful and comfortable and the new halogen lamps in the chandelier are brilliant!

On to the music -- lots of favorite Motown tunes sung in the style of The Four Tops and The Supremes by Spectrum and Radiance. We were entertained with song and dance for 2 hours and it was a fun and lively concert.

I have to admit that the vocals seemed to overpower the orchestra ... while I enjoyed hearing the harmonies of 4 - 8 voices they were a little much when combined with the instruments. I really enjoyed the selections where a solo or duet was featured and the orchestra was able to be heard.

Still -- it was a good show and, while not my favorite of all we've been to, it was a great way to start the season. And of course, anytime I can get out for a fun evening with Dave is all right by me!

1 comment:

Dave Paine said...

When we got up to leave I noticed people behind us had their fingers in their ears. Guess they really didn't like the music. I laughed all the way to the car!