Saturday, October 03, 2009

My Feet Hurt.

Gosh, working 6 days in a row, most of the time standing up has really taken a toll on my feet. They really ache tonight! I am in great need of a foot massage (I am so hoping that Dave reads this soon!)

Still it was such a beautiful fall day that even with throbbing tootsies I find it hard to complain. The trees are starting to turn. The rain that threatened the weekend all day Friday was long gone today (good news for the Apple Fest people) and the air was crisp. I am LOVING it!

Tomorrow will be a busy day with a birthday cake to bake, lasagna to prepare, the house to clean and laundry to finish up. It's a short weekend after working today but I have a 3-day weekend to look forward to when next Friday comes. Woo Hoo! I love paid holidays.

AND -- we had exciting news today -- Meghan competed in a 10K race (6.2 miles) and she came in THIRD for the women and SEVENTH overall (out of 250 people). Who knew she was a runner?!!! And she did it all in 46 minutes -- YES -- 46 MINUTES!!! (and in crummy shoes too.)

We are so proud. And she didn't even train for the race. She was planning to walk but when she saw all the "older" people running (you know, the ones in their 30s and 40s) she decided to pick up the pace.

So I guess I shouldn't be complaining about my achey feet. I have a feeling that tomorrow our Meghan is going to not only have achey feet but an achey body!!

WAY TO GO MEG! Dad and I are so proud of you :)

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