Sunday, November 28, 2010

Chatham ... Remembering Summer

I'm sitting here listening to Christmas music but thinking about some of the "firsts" Dave and I have experienced in the past year.

One of those "firsts" was Cape Cod. I've always wanted to go there. There's just something about even hearing the name -- Cape Cod -- that kind of draws you there. Without ever having experienced it I could envision small little villages with boats in the harbor and beautiful little houses with flowers.

One of our first adventures was to drive to Chatham (pronounced Chat (like hat) um ... not Chath-um like we originally thought). We left the pups with Kim Kraft and went for a day.

I was doing internet searches on my phone (no easy task) to see what there actually was to do there once we arrived. I found a link to a Harbor Seal Tour and we called and made a reservation.

First we stopped in Chatham and found a place to park (not easy on such a beautiful summer day!) and wandered over to The Captain's Table for lunch. Yummy -- and a very sweet, quaint, New Englandy-kind-of-place. Just what we were looking for.

After we wandered around a little bit (little did we know that we had only scratched the surface of Chatham, something I found out when I went back a few weeks later with my brother Dan and Renee!) we went in search of the fishing pier where we were to go for our Harbor Seal Tour with Captain Dave Murdoch.

First time luck? What a wonderful experience.

The water was beautiful, there were only two other people on the boat with us (Robin and Tom from California who were just so much fun!) and the good Captain had stories to tell, information to share, and a great sense of what we'd like to see. There were seals everywhere. We saw them swimming, diving, and bottling (sleeping in the water with their snouts sticking up.) We learned about the cottages on the sand bar that had no electric or running water and were on a 99 year lease. If anything happened to them (like during a storm) they could not be rebuilt.

We saw the Chatham light house, learned about how the shore had eroded, and a little bit about the fishing industry on the Cape. We talked real estate, great whites, and about life on the Cape in both winter and summer. What a day of pure bliss.

After our tour we drove around the town a bit more and then headed back to the mainland. We took the scenic route this time (Rt 6A) and ended up in Scituate for dinner at Phins. This is the same area that my parents came years before and stayed while my dad took a carving class.

Our first experience on the Cape was delightful. We returned a few more times over the summer (I went to Chatham with Dan and Renee and then later we all went to Provincetown for a whale watch ... another incredible experience!)

Just a few pictures from the day to remember ...

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