Sunday, November 21, 2010

No Spaces At The Mall ...

You know how the verse goes "but there was no room for them at the Inn ..."? Yesterday we drove up to Burlington Mall just for the fun of it. We wanted to take in the mall decorations BEFORE Christmas shopping mania hit.

Silly us. It's already begun. Hard to believe that there's a tough economy out there when we honestly could NOT find a place to park. Nothing. Nada. We waited for several minutes in the aisle (in a face off with someone else doing the same thing) after a guy came out and got in his car. However, he never left. (We suspect he was a mall worker on a lunch break who was escaping from the madness.)

We finally gave up figuring that even if we did manage to make it into the mall, all the restaurants would be mobbed and lunch would be a very long wait. We headed over to the Barnes & Noble across the street.

Let me just say that the Burlington Barnes & Noble does NOT have enough parking spots. I was told by a bookseller inside that it's the largest bookstore in New England (and they do NOT have a train table in their children's department -- what's up with that????) and we just got lucky with a spot.

Of course there were no seats in the Cafe either so getting a coffee/tea and cookie was not an option. After browsing for a bit we decided we were both very hungry and decided to try to find a place on the way home for what was now going to be dinner.

Hard to find places to eat when you're on the highway. We started talking about what was available on Route 9 because we wanted to stop in the new Price Chopper and pick up some groceries.

When we arrived at the Price Chopper there was (again) not a space to be had. Police men were directing traffic in and out of the parking lot and we decided this just wasn't our day.

As we headed back out onto Route 9 (we seriously HATE Route 9) we decided that Holden's Wong Dynasty and the Big Y were looking better and better.

With growling tummies we arrived at Wong Dynasty and got a GREAT parking spot and had one of the best meals we've ever had there. The LoMein was perfect, my Orange Chicken was beyond yummy, and Dave's Kung Pao Delight was, well, delightful.

A quick trip to Big Y got us the milk, bread, and snacks necessary for a relaxing evening. It was so sweet to get home to the pups.

We watched Sideways (a recent Netflix pick that we both liked) and put our feet up. The day didn't go as planned but it was sure fun spending it together!

1 comment:

RNSANE said...

Well, you did a lot of driving and didn't get to make your planned stops. However, you did have the day together and it sounds like dinner was good and you enjoyed yourself in spite of not finding parking where you wanted it. Now, that's something I'd expect in the San Francisco area but not in the wilds of Vermont!!