Monday, November 01, 2010

William ... The Garden Gnome

It's so hard to be living so far away when you know that there is fun being had in your former stomping grounds.

Case in point -- Trunk or Treat.

There isn't much we would have enjoyed more than to have been there to see William enjoying the bounce house (which I understand was his absolute favorite thing to do!) the games, and the trunk or treating that took place yesterday at Orchard Community Church (a.k.a. Latta Road Baptist Church where we used to attend when living in Rochester.) But ... that just wasn't to be.

Luckily, Bree was there with camera in hand to snap a few pictures for us to enjoy. Apparently the majority of the bounce house pictures were mostly a blur that resembled a little gnome jumping through the air ... the better pictures (meaning in-focus!) came when William was convinced the playground was lots of fun too.

Here's a few pictures of our little Garden Gnome. Gosh, it brings back memories of when the kids were little and they watched David The Gnome on TV ...

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