Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Ouch! My Throbbing Big Toe

I thought that today I'd finally reach the end of what's been a painful few months. One of my big toes has had an ingrown nail for years, but by cutting it back I've kept it from becoming too annoying. Several months ago the nail started to curve and cutting it back just wasn't helping -- my toenail hit the roof of every pair of shoes and was really becoming painful. Fortunately summertime rolled around and wearing sandals and flip-flops kind of solved the problem.

Even so, the nail was digging into my skin to the point where even having the sheets touch it when I went to bed was painful. I finally made an appointment to see the podiatrist in August who wanted me to try this gel that was supposed to soften the nail before doing anything more drastic.

Well, that didn't help at all. I finally had enough a couple weeks ago and made the appointment to go in and either have part of the nail removed or the whole thing. I was actually looking forward to going for the appointment thinking I would walk out of there finally pain free.

I did walk out of there pain free but only because my toe was totally numb! Truth be told, getting it to the numb part was the worst of it. The injection for the anesthesia was not very pleasant (to say the least). After that though, I didn't feel a thing.

Unfortunately once the numbness wore off I was left with a throbbing, swollen toe! I have instructions for soaking and medicating the toe for the next several days (and I thought this was going to be easy!!) Looks like I'm not going to get to enjoy that new rebounder I bought for exercise for a few days :(

Still, I'm so glad I finally had this taken care of. I was getting pretty tired of being so limited in the shoes I could wear. I'm just hoping that the toenail that's left flattens out so I can have a normal looking toe again!

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