Saturday, November 08, 2008

William is 2 Months Old (and Smiling!)

Josh and Jessica just updated their blog and posted some new pictures of William. It's such a thrill to see him as he's growing and I'm just amazed at how much he's changed in just a few months (heck -- he changes every day!) He's filling out and starting to get on more of a schedule which is great since Jessica will be going back to work in a few days (and Marie and I get to share in the babysitting duties which I'm estactic about!)

What's especially nice is that Will's gotten to the age where he's starting to smile. He coos and gurgles and really puts on a show for us all -- and every time he does I just fall more hopelessly in love. I could never have imagined how wonderful it would be to have a grandchild.

Here are a few of my favorite new pics ...

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