Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Carpet Cleaning Day

I have been both excited about and dreading today. That's because it's carpet cleaning day and sometime between 2:00 and 4:00 Spurlings Carpet Cleaners will arrive to do their best to get these carpets looking new again.

That should be interesting considering the traffic pattern that runs from the dining room right on through the living room and up the stairs. Dave assures me that I will be amazed at how great they will be able to get the carpets looking. I'm not so sure.

What I'm dreading is the preparation. Today I have to attack the family room and get all the extra stuff out of there (like the boxes of games that are under the couch and the boxes of who knows what that are tucked in the corners next to the wall unit and behind the chairs.

Thankfully the cleaners will move the furniture as they go so we don't have to do that. Dave has promised to come home while they're here which will help to keep my nerves in check. I'm a tad bit anxious about trying to keep the dogs quiet and out of their way while they're here.

I just keep telling myself that once the carpets are done we can start putting the house back together and the tree can go up. It would be great to finally have it start looking and feeling like Christmas around here.

Not sure if I'll be able to get before and after pics but I'm going to try and I'll post them to the blog as evidence of how effective 210 degree water on carpets can be :)

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