Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Keeping Busy and Enjoying the Season ...

Sunday night we braved the elements (it was cold but by this time the roads were in fairly good shape) and Dave and I, and Daniel and Meghan headed downtown to meet up with Josh and Jessica for the RPO Holiday Gala concert. Bree actually got us the tickets as it was a performance marked for Wegmans Employees but she didn't want to go.

We had fantastic seats and a wonderful view of the stage and orchestra. The evening was opened with remarks by Mary Ellen Burris (who we all decided was long past due on getting some public speaking help) with Jeff Tyzik taking over as he conducted the orchestra in several holiday favorites.

One highlight was Danny Wegman reading 'Twas The Night Before Christmas with the orchestra playing a beautiful background to the story. To our surprise, he did a wonderful job. Tyzik cued him when to start reading each part and he seemed to match the orchestra's accompliment almost seamlessly. Of course, the black velvet suit was a bit distracting but thankfully he didn't opt for his gold or red velvet attire this year :) Anyone hearing the voice of George Costanza here? "If it were socially acceptable I'd drape myself in velvet." Apparently in Danny Wegman's world -- it is!

One of the evening's highlights for me was hearing the Deglans family perform "Do You Hear What I Do?" with the orchestra. Willie Deglans is the associate concertmaster and the husband of Carrie Deglans, a woman I worked with at RIT. Her young daughters (Isabella - 9 years old who plays violin and Sophia - 8 years old who plays cello) played along with their father and it was wonderful (at least in my estimation.) For children who have only been studying their instruments for about 5 years they were both talented and poised.

Also fun was having Santa come out and play his magic tool (a Stanley saw) -- he gave a sci-fi feel to "Silent Night".

The New York Voices joined the orchestra for several numbers and then there was a much needed intermission. It sure felt good to stand up and stretch! And -- rest our eyes ... the sequin dress worn by Kim Nazarian (the frizzy haired one :) They really were very good and had great harmonies.

After intermission the orchestra was joined by the Festival High School Chorale which was comprised of high school students from 39 different schools in the area (none from Hilton!) They were very good and performed three different songs from the 'Home Alone' movie score (by John Williams) as well as "Ave Maria". For the last few songs The New York Voices joined them.

They concluded with a jazzy 'Halleluja' song (oh the sequins!!) that was lots of fun. We chuckled at the three people a couple rows in front of us who stood up at the beginning of the number with hopes that the entire audience would follow. After a couple minutes of standing there dancing (?) and clapping they sheepishly sat back down -- much to the relief of the audience. The standing and clapping came at the very end (much more appropriately.)

Back to our house for Carbones pizza (thanks Dan and Meg) in comfy clothes. It was really a wonderful evening and one we will all long remember.

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